Back towards the start of my SEO career, in my early 20s and completely unqualified, I was working in an agency, speaking to multiple clients every day. I had one particular client, a business owner who just did not get it. Whenever it was time to send a report or make any changes, she’d call or email me in a panic, asking me to explain what it all means.
It was then I realised I had a skill in breaking things down in the simplest of terms. Despite being newer to the industry and less qualified than other people on my team, I was able to explain SEO in ways that others couldn’t. In fact, my lack of technical training might have helped in this.
Along my journey to becoming self-employed, I’ve seen many other business owners and self-employed people struggle with getting to grips with SEO. So I’ve decided to share that skill, give other business owners that same breakdown that I gave my client those years ago.