Blogging Masterclass

buy the replay!

Watch the replay of my Blogging Masterclass for £45.
We covered all things blogging related, from how to plan out your blog posts to writing optimised content, plus time for a Q&A!

the details

what you'll learn:

this is for you if:

- You're a small business owner with content to share, but you don't know the best ways to get it all out there

- Brainstorm searchable blog topics
- How to write SEO-friendly blog posts
- The importance of blog posts

On February 23rd at 7pm (replays will be available!) I’ll be teaching a masterclass all about the wonders of blogging and how it can benefit your business! So what will I be teaching?

Why you should be blogging
I'll be taking you through the importance of blogging, and how it can help your business in the long run.

Planning out your blog posts
There are some great tools out there to help you brainstorm blog ideas and get your target keywords lined up

Writing your blog posts
I'll take you through my blog writing checklist to make your content a search engine's dream.

You’ll come away from this workshop with loads of ideas for blog posts to write and the knowledge on how to make them as SEO-friendly as possible. 


can i catch up later if i can't make it live?

do i need a website to join this masterclass?

i'm an seo beginner, can i still join in?

where will the masterclass happen?

it will be hosted live on Zoom at 7pm, Feb 23rd

yes! the whole session will be recorded and emailed over to you the next day!

as this masterclass is focused on writing content for your website, a website will be needed in order to action what we'll be covering.

absolutely! this masterclass will start right from the beginning and will be as jargon-free as possible to get you started on your blog writing journey

the facebook group

if you've got any questions about the masterclass or have any topics that you'd like covered, then head to the facebook group and drop me a message!